Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Adventure in grafting.
Today I did what long ago I had resolved to do. The apricot tree is in full bloom; the peach trees are ready to burst. I cannot wait for the Extension Division Master Gardner to come show me how to graft. So I went to the web and searched. I found an excellent tutorial by Tom Spellman on "Bark Grafts."
It's 9:20 long and good. I am not sure that my six grafts will be successful because I had not until now researched how to collect the scion sticks. I know my established peach produces delicious fruit, but I didn't know how to collect the scions. So I fudged, and therefore I fear failure. We will see.
Here is a closeup of two of the grafts on a single branch:
and here is the tree with its six grafts (protectd by paper bags with air vents)

And here is a better picture of the apricot in full bloom:
So today marks the official beginning of my 2016 gardening season.

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