Monday, November 24, 2014

Ripened Tomatoes
The tomatoes that I had ripening in front of the window are beginning to ripen, and some are ready to be turned into sauce for a delightful dish of pasta alla Norma.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Long Squash.
I decided to make a sculpture out of my long squashes. So I lay them on the patio table:

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Green Tomatoes.
Today is the first of November, I Morti, the day of the dead. Tomorrow is All Saints Day. And I just picked the tomatoes that remained on the vine. Freezing temperatures are forecast for tomorrow. Here are the tomatoes, more than 20 lbs, together with a zucchini (for next year's garden), and three old lemon cucumbers, also seeds for next year's garden. I have collected enough beans for seeds for dozens of gardens. And there are some puzzling findings there. But, one thing at a time. First the green tomatoes on a pad in front of my shop window facing south. Later more.