Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Better late than never

I noticed that I unloaded my manure on March 19, which is more than four months ago! Can I get back on track and post some snapshots of the creatures in my garden? Let's try!

It has been my experience that volunteer plants do very well, often better than those planted by design. The volunteers, of course, come from my black gold, my lovely compost. Here is one example, a watermelon that spilled out of my raised garden, and is growing well:

And here is another, one (of two growing) cantaloupes that popped out of a container in my greenhouse:

Not far from maturity, I would say.

And here are some tomatoes, also in my greenhouse, spontaneously grown, not by plan:

These are my old faithful heirloom tomatoes.
I suppose the moral of the story is that I should quit planting things and just wait for them to come up on their own... and dispose of my spate of spades (some are gifts from loved ones--couldn't do that) and other tools:

Not so fast! My beans are doing well, and those I planted, along with red chard, also doing well. What is not doing well is spinach, but I will try another crop as the weather cools off. And off I go...