Saturday, April 20, 2024

Dirt (brown gold)

As I previewed yesterday's post, I noticed that in all of last summer I posted a total of TWO entries. Well, that's not keeping a journal! Summary 2023: Tomatoes, Apples: excellent. Beans, spinach: disappointing. Squash: very good. Broccoli: not good. Couldn't get arugola or mesclun to produce anything.

Back to the present.

This morning I prepared my dirt to fill the first bed with spinach and lettuce. I started with two wheel barrows as seen here:

On the left the dirt that consists of two ingredients: my compost, and horse manure, in approximately equal proportions. On the right a quarter-inch strainer on an empty wheel barrow. Now I am ready to sift my dirt, in several batches, and here is the resulting top soil with which I will cover the seeds in my bed:

This is fine stuff! Ready to cover the spinach and green lettuce seeds I have put in one of my beds. And if you are good, I'll show you a picture of it.

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