Spring is here, and life is springing up all over. The apricot is in flower,
Unfortunately below freezing temperatures are forecast starting Sunday, and for three nights after. I have built a protective (from the deer) enclosure around the tree, and this will make it easier to pull a tarp over it.
I also want to graft to one of the branches a scion I got at a nice grafting workshop I attended in early March. I think I will wait til mid-week to try this experiment.
The peach trees are giving early signals that they want to break into flowers; not the plum nor the apple.
I have planted spinach seeds in one of my raised gardens; I have prepared another bed for the seedlings I want to raise there starting next week.
The fava beans are doing well, and they, too, are breaking into flowers, distinctively white and black,
Lots of exciting things to do in the next weeks!
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