Wednesday, October 11, 2017


While the visiting deer has destoyed every plant within his reach, and has inflicted damage to the fruit trees, I am delighted with the outstanding performance of the plants in my small greenhouse.
I decided to try to keep things growing as long as possible. Two nights ago the temperature dipped to 31, and I managed to keep the temperature of the greenhouse in the 40's by putting a space heater there. But that was a temporary Fix. Today I managed to install a thermostat in the greenhouse, and I attached the space heater to it. The function of the thermostat is to turn the heater on at 45 degrees, and turn it off at 47 degrees. I don't think I need to reach higher temps in the greenhouse--all I want to do is avoid a freeze. In daytime the sun will warm things up well.
Here are two examples of how things are growing in the greenhouse: petunias flowering; and pak choi seed pods forming. Wonderful.

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