Thursday, August 7, 2014

This is my window garden, my bay window on raised garden (rescued from the remodel). Each of these five contraptions pictured encircles a plant, in this case eggplant, to keep it as warm as possible. Last night, for example, the low was 55, so the plants probably appreciated the wall-o-water. The problem with these walls is that they are in a single piece, so you can't open them up. All you can do is lift them over the plant and move them aside. A problem that manufacturers could probably easily fix.

This year there are two crops that I planted from seedlings: the cucumbers, and the eggplant. I bought a pony with six containers, but each container had two or more seedlings in it, so I ended up planting eleven cukes. Along with the squash (three varieties) they have taken over the penitentiary, while the eggplants are languishing with fruit the size and shape of calamata olives. Go figure. I'll be spending the hours of tonight's insomnia attack garden sleuthing.

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