This morning I planted my first batch of tomato seeds, my Big Red, in one of the beds chosen for tomatoes. More of the same, but with different seeds, is scheduled for tomorrow.
The below-freezing temps we had about a week ago wreaked havoc on my fruit buds. Both my prune plums (yes, I discovered a second one) are shriveled. So are many of the peach buds. And the pear trees that looked so promising have very few viable ones. Such is life.
I have several beds with spinach. They are doing well, except for the one our dog chose to go lie in. Too bad, but not disastrous.
Radishes are growing; green beans are sprouting. I haven't seen the lettuce or arugola or cilantro come up. Strawberries are ripening. Several beets in the greenhouse are producing good foliage and I will be ready to harvest some. Likewise with red chard, what's left of last season's crop.
I am hard at work with my compost, mixing it with horse manure and treating it to blend it well. I have two beds that need last year's dirt removed and replaced with my treated compost. Hard, but enjoyable work.