Saturday, April 25, 2015

The seedlings are now full fledged adolescents. I have had to transplant all of them in larger pots. I have put some in the greenhouse; the others remain under the grow light in front of the window in my shop. I have two long eggplants, two zuccherini, and lots of tomatoes. My tenerumi did not germinate. I left the squash outside all winter and they didn't survive. I'll have to try again later.
I am ready to harvest the mesclun in the greenhouse, the spinach in the window garden, and what's left of the kale in the greenhouse. The chard continues to produce.
The broccoli I planted in the wagon garden are doing well.
The cucumber, the zucchini, the butternut and delicata squash, and the beans can be planted a little later.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Wild Flower
Wild flowers are everywhere. Here's one in the yard, enjoying a gentle spring sprinkle.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Apple Tree in Bloom
Unlike the apricot, the peach, and the plum, the apple tree sprouted leaves first. And now the blossoms are coming ...